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Local Phone Numbers

Denmark Number Information   

Have your family, friends or business associates in Denmark reach you by dialing a local number.

Receive calls from anywhere including Denmark, Arhus, Bornholm, Frederiksborg, Fyn, Kobenhavn, Nordjylland, Ribe, Ringkobing, Roskilde.

Calls from Brndby, Skive, Slagelse, Brnderslev, Odense, Nrresundby, Auning, Thisted, Ringkobing, Skanderborg will be cheaper for your customers.

Call forward from Denmark to your local fixed or mobile phone.

How Does It Work?

Here is an example of how it works:

Let's say that you live in Belgium and you have relatives that live in Denmark.

Their phone number area code is 45.

You can get a phone number in 45 area code that rings to your fixed or mobile phone in Belgium.

Now your relatives call this new Denmark phone number to reach you in Aarschot, Belgium and don't have to pay long distance charges when they call.

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